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I'll start on Monday

On the waning crescent of the next moon


That’s when I’ll start exercising again.


Or on Monday, once Libra and Aries are in line again.


Or maybe on the 1st of the next month…


…coz this month’s been crap so far, so I may as well write the rest of it off.




It happens ALL the time.


Waiting for the perfect conditions to exercise regularly / eat well.


Waiting for work to be less busy.


For the kids to finish their exams.


For this cold to shift.


For the weather to get warmer / cooler / drier / insert “any other weather condition”




Life is NEVER perfect.




Well, actually, I’d say it IS perfect.


But it’s perfectly IMPERFECT.


Things are never going to be perfectly lined up ready to help you start to get healthy.


And even if they are…they’ll stay that way for a few days.


Then something else will happen to make everything go tits up again ;-)


That IS life!


That IS the way things are.


When one challenge passes, another comes along.


Living a healthy lifestyle is something you do WHILST all of this stuff is going on.


Not in the brief calm periods, between the chaos.


If you are forever waiting for the time to be right, trust me…

…it never will be.


And then what happens to your health?


It continues to deteriorate.


Your weight goes up.


Your fitness goes down.


Your moods get lower.


Your confidence ebbs away.


And everything in life feels harder and harder…a real struggle.


Ironically, you feel even less motivated to turn things around.


You just don’t have the energy to do it.




So STOP!!!


Stop waiting!

Stop waiting for the next Monday, the next month, the holidays to pass.


Do something TODAY!


Make it tiny, so it’s easy to do…but make it achievable TODAY.

Cook ONE healthy meal.


Go out for a walk/run for 10 minutes.


Grab 10 deep breaths in a quiet room for a few minutes.


Do something…ANYTHING.


Turn the tide.


Reverse the trend.




Because if you don’t…and things continue as they are…


Where will you be a year from now?


If that thought scares you…do something about it.


Today <3