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It's not normal...being tired all the time!

It's not normal…

Being tired all of the time.

Dragging yourself through the day, pepped up on coffee or Coke.

Feeling knackered all of the if you're running on empty.

It's not normal and if you feel that way, you need to get checked out.

Sure, you might not be sleeping well temporarily for a certain reason.

Or something's causing you serious stress that's depleting your energy.

But if it's not short-lived and you're feeling tired ALL of the time, don't just brush it off.

We're not supposed to feel like that!!

And yet so many people today just accept that as the norm and carry on pushing through.

If sleep's the issue, sort it.

If you're up early, go to bed early!

I'm up at 5:30 every day, so I'm asleep by 9:30 (asleep, not just in bed!).

If something's waking you in the night, tackle that "thing", whatever it is.

If you're sleeping well but you're still knackered and you really don't know why...go to the docs!

If you're a vegetarian or vegan, your iron or B12 levels could be dangerously low.

And I say dangerously for a good reason.

Did you know that vitamin B12 deficiency can cause IRREVERSIBLE damage?


I quote, "A lack of B12 damages the myelin sheath that surrounds and protect nerves. ... even B12 deficiency that is relatively mild may affect the nervous system and the proper functioning of the brain. The nerve damage caused by a lack of B12 may become permanently debilitating, if the underlying condition is not treated."

It's not something to ignore.

And don't think for a second that only vegans and vegetarians can suffer from this (although they are a lot more likely to).

With the crap diet too many people eat these days and the damage they do to their gut in the process, it's common in an omnivorous diet too.

If you've relied on gut-acid suppressing drugs (most end in 'prazole' if you want to check yours) or metformin (to treat type-2 diabetes) for a while, or had a lot of antibiotics over your lifetime, you're at higher risk of B12 issues.

If you are lacking in iron and/or B12 and that is resolved, you will feel like a DIFFERENT person, I promise you!

And it's an easy test for your doc to do too (although the NHS B12 test isn't great, I have to say).

So if you're constantly hauling yourself through each day.

Running on empty.

Permanently cream-crackered.

Sort your sleep, your diet and your exercise out.

8-hours sleep, a good diet and exercise every day and I could take on the world!!

If you're doing all of that, and you're STILL wiped out, GO TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR!

There could be something underlying going on and if there is, you need to sort it!

If you know someone who should read this, please share it.

If someone you care about gets their B12 levels checked and sorted as a result, you're potentially saving them from BIG issues in their later life!