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Flying with eagles

How would you describe your habits?


Are they spot on, positive habits that serve your experience of life well?


Do they keep you fit and healthy, both physically and mentally?


Do they enable you to be the best version of yourself every single day? 


Or most days at least 😉


Or are they a little different to that?


If they’re not what you want them to be, take a look around you.


Take a look at who you spend most of your time with and look at their habits too.


Do those you hang out with engage in behaviours that you know aren’t doing you many favours?


Are they always popping the fizz and making ANOTHER cake to celebrate anything and everything?


Are they picking up too many takeaways or snacking EVERY night?


Is their idea of exercise walking the dog once a day?


Or even just getting off the sofa to refill their wine glass?





When you’re in this and ONLY this world, it’s hard, really hard to do anything different.


We want to be accepted.


We want to be included…be part of the ‘gang’.


It’s an innate survival instinct and we follow the herd without even thinking about it.


Years ago, if we didn’t, we’d likely be rejected from the pack for being an outlier.


And there’s safety in numbers – the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.






We have numerous habits that we’ve picked up our entire life…and when our habits dictate our results, it’s not hard to see where our poor health comes from or why we’re overweight.


If we want to change our habits but no one around us is engaging in healthy ones, what can we do to raise our own bar to choose a better track through life?


Maybe the answer lies in another pack.


Another herd.


Another group.


Another tribe.


One of the most effective things you can do to build better habits is to join a culture where your desired habits are their “normal”.   


New habits suddenly seem achievable when you see others doing them every single day.


If you’re surrounded by fit people, you’re much happier to adopt working out as a new habit. 


If you see everyone around you eating well, you’re much more likely to join them and do the same yourself.


Now I’m not saying for a second that you need to totally abandon your old tribe!  That’s quite possibly your family and dear friends!!!


But if ALL of your time is spent with those engaging in poor habits and NONE with those who have the potential to raise your bar…how will you ever change??


How will you ever ditch the habits you know aren’t serving you, to adopt the ones you know will turn your health, your weight, your life around?





Each and every one of us has choices.


Nobody HAS to fly with eagles.


Nobody HAS to raise their bar.


But we do only have one shot in this beautiful world. Fact.


One chance to look after our body, which is ultimately the vehicle we borrow to take us through our life.


If we continue to neglect it through poor habit choices, it will give up on us eventually. 


If we look after it and treat it well, we give ourselves the absolute best shot at life we So, you can stay where you are and continue to do what everyone else does and get the same results that everyone else gets.


Or you can look for the eagles.


Watch what they do, learn how they fly, gain their new perspective.


The view from the high altitudes where eagles fly is breathtakingly beautiful. 


Are you ready to raise your bar and join them?